Anxiety is a term that is frequently used these days. But the question is whether it is being used or truly understood. It was used as an understatement of the actual condition and as an exaggerated expression at times.
When we simplify the medical definition of the same – stress when levels rise and begin to interfere with day-to-day activities is referred to as ANXIETY.
Vedika is a happy-go-lucky girl. Being expressive and vocal was never a problem for them. None of the people she met could remain strangers for long. Being in the good graces of her teachers and receiving fair enough grades to be evaluated on a regular basis. Her life changed after she enrolled in medical school. The first few days felt like a dream because she was finally where she wanted to be. She was fortunate enough to be surrounded by positive people all of the time, so she was able to face and overcome difficult times with ease. Things eventually began to change. When unfavorable situations began to emerge in her college life, her life took a 180° turn. After 6 months, Vedika began to notice changes in her behavior.
It became impossible to express oneself. This aggravated her depression and prevented it from being released. She developed the habit of overthinking because even minor challenges made her sweat. Her constant companions were What, Why, How, and When. Even though she smiled, she felt burdened. The situation worsened when she failed her third-year examination for the first time. Seeking assistance became even more difficult. She decided to take matters into her own hands because she was tired of crying. She began by becoming ALERT to all of the changes that were taking place. The period of shortness of breath and heaviness
- Sleep disturbance
- Random movement compulsion
- Inadequate nutrition
- Any change in her routine caused her concern.
- Overanalyzing every situation
- Unexpected overreaction
- People and conversations are avoided.
The DENIAL phase had now given way to ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. She had owned her tears and fear, just as she had her smile.
It was now time to find ANSWERS and overcome something that was previously unknown but now had a name: ANXIETY.
Nonetheless, mistakes were made. Avoidance was not the answer. Vedika realized she needed to confront her anxiety head-on.
It was not a task that could be completed alone. Despite this, she found it difficult due to societal notions. But she knew she needed professional assistance. And contacting a counselor was the right thing to do.
She now had the courage and the right person to confide in.
Vedika’s routine had shifted.
The day, which had begun with fear of uncertainty, now began with positive affirmations spoken loudly.
Earlier in the day, as the day progressed, the feeling of curbing within grew, but now, slowly but steadily, the cocoon of emotions was ready to open gradually.
The darkness began to fade with the vibrations of OM CHANTING, and the restlessness subsided as the practice of PRANAYAM became habitual.
SELF-TALKING and JOURNALING filled the void left by a lack of people to express themselves.
The heaviness was now being relieved on a regular basis by CRYING her heart out.
Vedika’s blooming smile returned with time. Anxiety did pay her visits, but she now knew how to deal with it.
This was one of many situations that many people had to deal with. Nothing gets resolved until FACED is addressed. Many Vedikas are living through such changes.
It Is time to get
Get ANSWERS from the right person.