About Us

You thought you knew what we were about. Or maybe you’ve heard about us for the first time. Either way, we’re excited to share with you what we do and who we are.

The Columnist Forum
Tongue of the mind

The Columnist Forum has been built by all the right minds. We inspire and unlock creativity with liberative writing. We believe in 3 C’s: Creativity, Customization and Connection through Words. We power the connect of almost every topic.Our mission is to empower you with the insight needed to understand and shape our world.

We provide a platform where people can get to know about the crisis on their opinions and can write any sort of content which will be unbiased. We take you on a journey from curiosity to understanding, adding context and clarity to the thoughts and issues swirling around you, so that you can truly understand the problems you face, potential solutions, and what you can do.