When we use the word sleep, there is a sense of comfort and warmth that follows, how the stress and hustle of the entire day end as you land on your bed.
But the question which arises is, is it the same and equally available to all?
The answer is “NO”
All right, let’s really dive deep into Vedika’a quest for a good night’s sleep.
This was the most unexpected problem that could have ever befallen a girl who had grown accustomed to sleeping for eight hours nightly. When the Day’s crying turned into night’s trauma, though, she had no choice. What she had thought disappeared with the sun was actually tucked away in a part of her brain that was only accessible when she was asleep
The Gloominess of the day turned darker when turned into thoughts.
The lack of light made her feel suffocated. The snare produced pain severe enough to prevent her from getting any rest.
She tried to fall asleep every night, but every time she closed her eyes, she had the terrifying sensation of plunging into an endless black hole.
What she had initially thought would only take a couple of days turned into a routine that she barely noticed.
Now, restlessness, congestion, breathlessness, and heaviness. Even worse was sudden shivering while asleep.
After realizing how she was unknowingly craving and desperately searching for sleep. It was now time to find the solution.
Realizing and believing the fact about what resides in her are mere thoughts and not reality. The part of her mind that was scaring her was only possible because of the thoughts that were fed.
She had to realize that her brain was the safest place to confide in. Once achieved, the fear of falling into pitch darkness could be won over.
Any feeling closest to your heart in a raw form is the most comfortable vibe created.
Comfort is something we naturally expect from others and get disheartened when not received. But, when the same comfort is felt within one’s self. Everything that seems to create a disturbance later pacifies.
Vedika being an extrovert never had a chance of being alone. Thus, when that happened it felt unusual to her. But, what she earlier felt as loneliness when now redefined as solitude turned out to be a silver lining.
There are times when we feel that some energy saves us from falling. That energy is constant the only difference is whether we acknowledge it as a constant or a coincidence.
As a plant height and growth depends on the strength of the root. Likewise, hold of your mental strength is decided by the grip on spirituality.
Stronger trust in providence better the stability of mental health.
there is a strong connection between the gut and the brain. The functioning of the body is decided by the food. Similarly, the fuel for the brain is the thoughts we feed it. Grossly distinct yet minutely on the same page.
The Satiety of the gut hampers our mental health. Eating a wholesome meal right before sleeping calms down the raging nerves of the brain. Thus, felicitating a better sleep.
What looked like a never-ending problem when tackled with the 5 S’s.